Recruitment (October 2024)

This year, Krkavci again open the gates for the wide public and you, too, can try historical fencing yourself. And the first few trainings are for free!

Throughout the year, you can experience not only trainings but also historical battles, workshops where we are going to help you with a costume, international tournaments and a lot more!

Where and when to come

The recruitment takes place on 30th Semptember, 2nd October, 7th October, and 9th October (Mondays and Wednesdays) during our usual training from 8 PM to 10 PM in the gym 10 minutes from Dejvická metro station. Let us know in advance that you will come so that we can contact you in case of last-minute changes, for example if the training is canceled. Also, contact us if you want to come but the recruitment dates do not suit you. We will find a workaround.

We meet at 7:30 PM in Dejvická metro station or at 7:45 PM in the gym.

What is needed

Almost nothing! All it takes is to come, be 18+ years old, and sober. Bring shoes and clothes suitable for sports in a gym and a water bottle. You won't need a sword for now, we will lend you the equipment in the beginning ;-).

How much does it cost

The recruitment trainings are free. If you decide to enter our ranks, the membership fee is 500 CZK per month.

Where to ask questions

If you have any questions regarding either the recruitment or the group as a whole you can write an e-mail to or you can write us a message via facebook at

We look forward to you!