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SHŠ Krkavci invites you to the first team longsword tournament in Czechia!

Teams of 3-4 members compete in the tournament. In the first phase, the members compete in groups, similarly to classic tournaments. Based on the group phase results, a team elimination bracket is arranged, where the whole teams compete in a relay format similar to the one used in sport fencing.

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  • 9th August - We have extended the tournament capacity to 16 teams, which was immediately filled up.
  • 18th July - Registration opened. Link below.
  • 8th July - Detailed info published - registration date, entry fee, capacity, ruleset, and tentative schedule.

Tournament info

Date: 12th October 2024, schedule below
Venue: Lomnického 1/1071, 140 00 Praha 4; GPS 50°03'25.9"N 14°25'55.2"E

Category: long sword open
Registration: here
List of registered teams: here
Capacity: 14 teams of 3-4 members
Entry fee: 3600 Kč / 148 € for the whole team, regardless the number of its members
Prizes: medals for best three teams
Ruleset: download; we reserve the right to change the rules up until the official start of the tournament (mainly in case of found errors, typos etc.)
We do not provide refreshments, or accomodation.


A team will register as a whole at once. You will need

  • e-mail used to communicate on behalf of the team,
  • name of the team,
  • specific team members, and their HEMA Ratings ID (if they have one), except for a non-fencing captain/coach which can be determined just before the team bouts (see the ruleset).

A team does not have to be composed of members of the same club.


In case there is bigger demand than what is the tournament capacity, we will choose the teams that we will allow to participate according to our assessment, however, the main decision criteria will be the order of registrations, and clubs the team members come from - we will prefer teams from different clubs over multiple teams from one big club.

Tentative schedule

  • 8:30 - registration and weapon and mask check
  • 9:30 - introductory word
  • 9:45 - individual phase (groups)
  • 13:00 - team phase (elimination)
  • 16:00 - bronze final
  • 17:15 - final
  • 18:45 - medal ceremony

The schedule is very tentative for now, definitely do not plan by the minute according to it, it serves more for you to have a general idea.

Contacts and further info

Follow the tournament's Facebook event: All For One - One For All 2024 - team HEMA tournament.

In case of questions, don't hesitate to contact us via e-mail, or via your Facebook: SHŠ Krkavci, žoldnéřská kompanie